The Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero prequel storyline has come to an end in the pages of Dragon Ball Super's manga, seemingly ending Goten and Trunks' latest campaign as the newest crime fighters to follow in the footsteps of Gohan's alter ego, The Great Saiyaman. Battling against Dr. Hedo's androids prior to the grandson of Dr. Gero joining up with the latest incarnation of the Red Ribbon Army, the next arc is promising to re-examine the events that took place in the Shonen franchise's hit movie.
Over the course of the past manga chapters, we've seen days in the life of Goten and Trunks as they attend high school while simultaneously fighting against the androids of Dr. Hedo as Great Saiyaman X1 and Great Saiyaman X2. In fighting against the pint-sized mad scientist, we see Goten and Trunks managing to defeat his strongest android at that point and being arrested by none other than Krillin, confirming that this story takes place three months prior to the events of the movie. In the preview for the next chapter, Dragon Ball Super's manga confirms that it will re-tread the events of the movie, meaning we are most likely set to see both Orange Piccolo and Gohan Beast make their debut in its pages.
Gohan Beast And Orange Piccolo: Manga Debuts
Chapter 91 of Dragon Ball Super's manga has a preview which reads as such, confirming that the printed story will be revisiting the events of the latest film:
"The Red Ribbon Army is finally on the move! Can Piccolo stop their ambitions?"
Dragon Ball Super, Ch. 90: While Trunks has his mind wrapped around the big dance this weekend, Mai finds an opportunity to lure out Dr. Hedo! Read it FREE from the official source!
-- Shonen Jump (@shonenjump) February 20, 2023
In the past, Dragon Ball Super's manga hasn't always translated the events that took place in the films of the Shonen franchise, most notably when it came to The Resurrection of F and Broly. While the manga did explore Beerus' introduction and re-tell the events that took place in Battle of Gods, many originally believed that Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero wouldn't hit the printed page in a similar fashion. While the manga hasn't confirmed whether this will be a direct translation of the events of the latest film, the printed story has presented events that varied from the anime adaptation in the past, so it will be interesting to see if the upcoming arc varies in any significant way.
Are you preapred to see Gohan and Piccolo's ultimate forms in the manga? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Z-Fighters.