Martin star Sean Lampkin has died at the age of 54. Along with his appearances on the beloved sitcom, the actor also appeared in a few different movies. Chief among them were Big Momma's House, Bad Boys II, and Life. The news was reported on Marsel Watts' Facebook last Wednesday. The death was confirmed on March 8. On Martin, Lampkin played the bartender, Nipsey, and garnered a reputation as one of those familiar faces that fans would come to expect in projects featuring Martin Lawrence. Unfortunately, he's the second star from the sitcom to pass away in recent years. Back in 2016, Thomas Mikal Ford, who played Tommy on the series, died at the age of 52. Here's what Watts' Facebook post had to say.
"My friend, my last roommate for 10 years, a father and family man, my brother, skate buddy, business partner, and trainer passed away this morning. RIP Sean Lampkin. BKA as Nipsey the bartender on Martin, The pest control man in Bad Boys, the cab driver in Big Mamas House and the shooter in Life," she typed. " He was a black belt in karate too. He worked for Martin Lawrence for decades as his right hand man. No Martin without Sean. When Sean would come by my house to get clothing that I sold him he'd have Martin in the car waiting. He'd be like Martin say hi to Marsel."
My friend, my last roommate for 10 years, a father and family man, my brother, skate buddy, business partner, and...
Posted by Marsel Watts on Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Elsewhere on social media, Memnar Grayton also paid tribute to the comedian. "Sean gave us every morning the shining sun to lead his loved ones and friends down paths that are bright and clear of any danger," he began. "He gave us streams of love every day when we're not feeling good, or we don't seem to not want to do anything."
"But the thought of his loud laugh and adorable smile made you change any negative thoughts to positive ones," Grayson continued. "He's that type of man. He gave us his time and effort to situations that he had no clue of, but was there to support us for the cause. He gave us his emotions when any family or friend needed sympathy or empathy for their emotional situations."
Our thoughts and prayers are with Lambkin's family and friends at this time.