Black Clover has kicked off the final battles for the fate of the Clover Kingdom, and the newest chapter of the series looked back a bit and unpacked how Noelle Silva reacted to Asta's big loss at the start of it all! The final arc of Yuki Tabata's original Black Clover manga series kicked off with not only the full introduction of the final Zogratis sibling and final villain of the series overall, Lucius Zogratis, but with a full introduction of the massive scope of the villain's power when he easily defeated Asta with his first move on the Clover Kingdom.
When Asta was defeated and seemingly killed by Lucius at the end of the battle, the Clover Kingdom has been spending their time in the wake of such terrible news. But the Black Bulls themselves had a much different reaction to Asta's potential death. Like Noelle, as seen in the newest chapter of Black Clover, as it's revealed that she was heartbroken over Asta's death but soon reveals that her belief in him is much stronger than ever before.

Black Clover: How Does Noelle Feel About Asta?
Black Clover made some major strides between Noelle and Asta during the course of the fights against the Dark Triad, and the intensity of those fights helped Noelle to realize that she actually has some romantic feelings for Asta despite her arguments otherwise. It's yet to be revealed as to whether or not Asta feels the same way, but it's clear as of Black Clover Chapter 359 that Noelle still very much holds Asta in high regard as she can't help but feel saddened after his "death."
A flashback reveals that Noelle spent a good amount of time crying after Asta's loss, and the fact she couldn't do anything to help when Lucius attacked the first time. But even with that, she refuses to believe Asta has died (which he hasn't so that's a good move) and Noelle pushes forward. Wiping her tears, she declares she'll protect the Clover Kingdom in Asta's stead and prep it for his eventual return. Acquiring some massive new powers in the process, Noelle's faith and care for Asta has readied her for her final fight. Now we just need that reunion.
How do you feel about all of these moments bringing Noelle and Asta closer together? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!