The ComicBook Nation Crew reviews Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 with spoilers!!! Plus we Review Amazon's new blockbuster spy-thriller series Citadel and Star Wars Visions Season 2 - PLUS the milestone Batman #900!
In our BONUS ROUND Segment, we speak to DC's Superman writer Joshua Williamson about his new book Knight Terrors!
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Review
In his review of Guardians of the Galaxy 3, ComicBook critic Patrick Cavanaugh offers the following conclusion about the film:
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is the culmination of everything James Gunn has been building toward with these characters, warts and all. The adventure is the most abjectly emotional, as it goes for the jugular with not only Rocket's story, but the destination that many other characters arrive at, while the filmmaker also manages to put his mark on a studio known for regurgitating formulaic adventures packed with overwhelming sameness. The introduction of arbitrary supporting characters and inconsequential villains is yet another reminder of the Marvel machine, and while there's plenty of side quests and self-aggrandizing, the impact of Rocket's emotional arc is one of the most powerful we've seen in the entire MCU, the inventiveness of action sequences, and a cathartic third act manage to send the trilogy out on a high note.
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